Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Women do you shave?

I am doing a college essay on human sexuality and my thesis is on shaving pubic hair. I need some vollanteers to tell me if they shave and how they do it. I would be very thankfull for the help!

Women do you shave?

Um... I don't personally, but I know some people that do. I think you just take a razor and shave. Although, nowadays, most women wax.

Women do you shave?

i trim really good and keep it nice and neat. and i shave it into a nice clean shape.

Women do you shave?

I dont think I really wanna go back to feeling like a 6 year old.

Women do you shave?

i wax bakini line n trim and shave if i cant wax i dont completely shave n im only 14-15 years old :)

Women do you shave?

i shave every other day with a razor.. I love it and do it because it feels sexy and looks sexy, and i love Cunnilingus.

it stays clean, don't get sweaty and the skin is smooth. for me it is much much more desirable.

My man shaves and trims as well and it make sex and oral all the more enjoyable!

Women do you shave?

I shave myself completely. It's cleaner and more comfortable to me, and I don't see a point in having designs or symbols. If I had the funds for professional waxing, I would probably do that instead.

Women do you shave?

Yes, I shave and scissor trim all my pubic hair so that my vagina and clitoris are visible. I leave only a landing strip above the pubis.

Women do you shave?

You are in college writing a thesis paper and the topic is shaving pubic hair? Hard to believe. If you were taking a Human Sexuality course it would be under Psychology so I don't think your topic would be on this. Not to mention you don't know how to spell volunteers or thankful.

Women do you shave?

i shave the whole ******* thing!閳?br>Women do you shave?

gotta love the "dont want to look like a 6 year old again" answers, I got $20 says she shaves her legs and armpits which just so happens to look like a "6 year old". Both my wife and I are clean shaven. It helps reduce infection and smell as urine and in a females case, blood do not cling onto the hairs. My wife will every so often go with a neatly trimmed racing stripe, plus as someone else mentioned before, it makes oral nicer as there is no "thaa, thaa, thaa" every 20 seconds to clear you throat. As for how, regular old razor about once a week does the trick, unless you need to go more often. You should try to collect volunteers and make it a lab excersize. Just kidding.

Women do you shave?

I shave. I just use shaving cream and venus razors. :)

Women do you shave?

I haven't shaved in years. Waxing is the way to go. I'm trying to start a waxing revolution! Feel free to join in.

Women do you shave?

I'm 16 years old and female. and I shave everything prolly every other day or so. I feel so nasty when i dont!!

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