Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Am I wrong for thinking this?

I believe that sexuality is just another human trait... equal to race, religion, height, gender, weight, hair colour, eye colour, etc...

However... A friend of mine says that sexuality is different than the others because sexuality hinders gay people in their everyday lives...

I say that gays contribute to this 'hindrance' by making a big deal out of it...

Homosexuals would like for sexuality to be just like all of the other things I named...

Yet they obviously don't believe it themselves.

If they thought that sexuality was like the rest, then they wouldn't have parades and all kinds of organizations and alliances...

I dunno...

I'm gay myself... But I think that it's often blown far out of proportion... by both gays and straights alike...

Am I wrong for thinking this?

The goal of the gay rights movement is a society where gay people are equal and sexual orientation is no longer an issue.

I was born gay. I did not ask to be gay, but I'm told it's a sin and God hates me for it. I was born into a culture where I cannot marry and protect my family and cannot serve in the military. In 30 States, I cannot work without fear of being fired. In some places I cannot adopt children. In most places, I cannot show public affection to my partner without fear of physical assault. I grew up being told I'm sick, evil, degenerate, vile, an abomination, a joke, and willfully disobeying God. Because I choose to stand up and say this is all wrong, my sexual orientation is an issue. It's not for some silly minor reason I react to this discrimination and prejudice. It's because I know God does love me and the Constitution of my country tells me that all men are created equal. Until I am an equal in this country, I am forced to respond.

You need to think about all the injustice and decide if it's acceptable to you. Do you want to be treated as a second-class citizen in the country where you pay the same taxes as heterosexuals? If you're happy with the current state of affairs, that's fine. But I cannot imagine that you're happy being told you're sick by the very Government and society you help support.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

now that you mention it, i guess being gay would actually matter if you were having sex while at the super market, driving down the street, etc.., but i guess otherwise it's none of my business. Personally I advocate being single because other people are nothing but trouble. Don't get married, don't have children.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

I'm not gay- but I get what you're trying to say.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

Gays make a big deal out of it because society makes a big deal out of it.

Gays are fighting for equal treatment; they aren't trying to spotlight their sexuality for its own sake.


Am I wrong for thinking this?

Kudos to you for being the rational homosexual in the group

I knew there was at least one

Am I wrong for thinking this?

yes you are

Am I wrong for thinking this?

People in general just like to make a huge hullabaloo out of little or nothing.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

sexuality is just another natural thing in this world, people have problems with homosexuality but its just the persons hormones determining what they feel most attracted too.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

Some of the things you just mentioned-- race, religion, and gender-- have had to fight for their rights, using protests and organizations and alliances. The gay rights movement is no different. There are still many, many states that don't protect against orientation-based discrimination. You can be fired for being gay, and that's just not right.

Making a big deal about it is IMPORTANT right now, until there is equality between gay and straight people.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

you've got a rainbow in your avatar?

Am I wrong for thinking this?

well you know what its your own opinion how you look at things, everyone has a different way of looking at certain things. you are gay, its your choice but however, your friends have lot of diffrent opinions different from you so

Am I wrong for thinking this?

I think gay people have their rallies and other get togethers because they are sick of people saying they are not normal. I don't know a lot of gay females, but I have known plenty of gay men. They are kind, caring, good listeners, wonderful people. If I were ever in the market for a roommate, you can bet I would find a gay man to live with. God created me and God created you. That makes us even in the world, if you ask me. God bless you.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

i agree that it's just a human trait...people are born that way...just like people are born's just life

Am I wrong for thinking this?


I don't think that gays make a bigger deal about their homosexuality than, say, Catholics make about their Catholocism. Gays have a couple of parades. Some Catholics go to church multiple times per week.

And to say that homosexuality hinders everyday life, so do other traits. Example: stereotypes against blondes (dumb), petite girls (anorexic), Muslims (terrorists), etc.

But homosexuals are far less accepted in many places than Catholics, blondes, petites, and Muslims. So... blow it out of proportion. Make people accept it.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

I believe its just another human trait too. so your right, but your friend is also right it does hinder gay people's lives everyday. I'm straight by the way but I've seen how people are treated, I'm not blind. and the reason for making a big deal of it is just asking for equal treatment. All there saying is this is who I am and I deserve to be treated like anyone else.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

I get what you're saying, believe me I do..

But the fact of the matter is that it's NOT just another human trait (even though most GLBT people know it IS) it's the society that we live in that refuses to acknowledge it as such.

I will bet you anything, GLBT people are just as sick of fighting the fight and making their voices known and fighting for the equality as the heterosexuals are of hearing us do it. It's like we're constantly butting heads because neither group will back down.

If GLBT people got the basic equal rights we all deserve and only SOME have, then I will almost guarantee you, this so called "flaunting" you claim would stop.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

The parades and such are apart of the fight for equal rights. We won't get equal rights if we dont fight for them.

Okay, so maybe YOU don't care about being treated like a human being-but the majority of us do.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

Homosexuality is not natural.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

yes,they are descriminated against,but the big parades,makes straights must be a gradual change of opinions without saying ,look at me with the strange costumes.people must be educated into realising gayness is not a choice,but genetic,biological,chemical urge like being straight or attraction to the same sex,that you cant just pray or wish away

Am I wrong for thinking this?

The parades started as a form of solidarity and strength against the prejudice against gender-bending. The cops used to beat the crap out of anyone that didn't fit the gender molds, and this includes queers.

When you're beat up and arrested just for being and daring to assemble then you gotta stand up and fight it. That's simple civil rights in actions, thanks to the good ol' USA and it's notions of standing up when you get pushed down.

Most of the "traits" you mention are not really as dichotomous as you seem to imply. There is not just blue and brown eyed people, not just men and women, not just gay and straight.

My eyes are hazel, which parade do a march in?

Am I wrong for thinking this?

so are you asking why some gay people prefer to be openly proud of their gayness compared to yourself? i know exactly what you mean about some homosexuals being very over the top about the fact that they're gay and their extremely overt expression of it. i agree that sometimes it can be almost as annoying as fundamentalist christians and their knack for shoving their fundiness in everyones' faces.

but, i think part of the reason that so many gays celebrate their sexuality is because homosexuality is one of the last frontiers of discrimination (so far). i think the sooner homosexuality becomes less taboo, the sooner it will be so commonplace that even gay people won't care so much that they're gay. remember when it was a big deal to date outside of your race? it was a hot topic on news and talk shows and people in interracial relationships were coming forward and expressing themselves? well, fewer people care about that now. so as soon as people start to get over the whole gay thing and just accept it for what it is (including other gay people), then donning a rainbow flag won't be such a statement anymore.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

Like any "hindrance" in society, it is only opinon that makes it one.

Some diabetics see it as a hindrance; some indigenous people see being indigenous as a hindrance; some overweight people think the same.

I'm not trying to oversimplify things - I understand the barriers (from legislative to social) that gay and lesbian people may face, however our own attitudes can have a very positive effect on our environment and those around us.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

What hindrance? That's so high school.

On a serious note. Most of us don't define our selves with our sexuality. But the society does put us in that box. I have lost a friend and two after they found out I was gay. I didn't make a big deal out of it, but they just walked away after years of being a "good" friends. So its not the homosexuals who make it a big deal, but rather the society who does it.

As for the parades. We are taught from childhood that we should feel bad about our selves, and hide our selves. But the pride is all about showing others that we are not ashamed of our selves any more.

Equality rights are important because people want security. In most states you could be fired for being gay, and there is nothing you could do about.

Others want security in their relationships. You say you are happy as is, but when you are in a relationship. Wouldn't you want away for it to be protected, in case something bad happens. Let's say (and I hope you no one has to go through this) your partner is in the hospital and the doctors have to make a critical decision about their health. Guess what you got no say in it. It has to be made by some one that is related to them "legally", that means blood relatives or their spouse. You wouldn't be considered either one since you are nothing to your partner. See that's why equality rights are important.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

Well first of all, I'm glad that you are comfortable about your identity and at peace about it; it is refreshing because it is true a lot of people make a big deal about their sexuality, gay or straight.

However, I don't think sexuality exactly falls in with race, height, hair colour, ect. Something like colour and size is a state of 'being', it is inert and uneventful in itself. But sexuality is a state of 'relating', it is lived with and through other people. Sexuality is more complex because it reaches beyond a single individual and affects others; it is a social act of relationship. Sexuality has tremendous consequences, physical, emotional and, in some cases, it engenders life itself.

So while I don't think it should be misunderstood and blown out of proportions, I don't think sexuality should be taken totally casually either.

(and again, this applies equally to gay or straight ;) )

Am I wrong for thinking this?

I don't think you're wrong for thinking that sexuality is blown out of proportion by both sides. Some of the things they do are pretty crazy, and it makes it harder for people to get over the fact that they're gay and believe that they want to be treated normally. It's really intimidating trying to get to know someone who has already decided that you hate them because of their beliefs/race/weight/sexuality/whatever.

Parades and organizations help make the gay community closer though. And it's probably nice as a support group, because those people also understand the discrimination you're facing. Also, the purpose of those alliances are often to convince people the sexuality is just another human trait. Gays still haven't been fully accepted into our (?) culture.

"I believe that sexuality is just another human trait... equal to race, religion, height, gender, weight, hair colour, eye colour, etc..."

The other traits you listed are also often blown out of proportion. For example, race. I am non-white. People often assume I do not speak English or that I will get a certain score on a test. Sometimes I make too big a deal out of my race too. I've snapped at people for asking innocent questions or blame bad service on racism when it was just bad service. Things like that shouldn't make that much of a difference but they really do in some societies.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

From a strait guy....your treading on a subject that dates back from the bible and people either take the stand point of its morally and religiously wrong and there scared of something different..or it is a trait your born with....i think it is some thing your born with....and alittle blown out of proportion...i met a little boy the other day, who was maby eight years old...he was dressed in a pink polo and carried a pink hand bag...and was very girly ...i spoke to his mother she said "he has more girl friends than he does guy friends, maby its just a stage..maby its the way he is...either way he's my son and i love him"....My opinion this is your life black white gay bi, what does it matter we all pay taxes....your life is your life be proud of who you should..have the rights everyone has... you can't change the way your born or the traits your given...

Am I wrong for thinking this?

To me, a trait is something that falls within 'normal' parameters, eg black hair, or blonde hair, is a subset of the fact we all have hair or are bald. If someone, instead of growing hair grew a full head of wire, that to me isnt a trait - it is an abnormality.

To me the 'traits' of sexuality would be male, female attraction, and high or low sex drive. Homosexuality or lesbianism to me falls outside of that, its not a trait, it is an abnormality. Everyone is precious, you sound like a very thoughtfull honest person, I just think it is self deluding when people try to call it something else. It must be very difficult as in many cases I am sure the 'abnormality' is based on a physical cause and the feeling of sexual attraction to the same sex is genuine.

I believe that the Bible calls homosexuality a sin, yet at the same time Jesus loves sinners (everyone has some form of sin in their lives). That doesnt make the sin OK. Good luck - I hope you are able to work this issue out in the honest constructive way you are obviously attempting to.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

I guess after years and years of people having to hide the people they love, i don't see anything wrong with saying i am not ashamed of it. I personally don't share my sexuality with people. I don't hide it or play the pronoun game and such. I am open when people ask, but I don't tell everyone. That is me. Whether I am with a man or a woman, it is my business not theirs. That may be how you are too. Not all people are that way. Some people want to hold hands when they walk down the street. They want to be able to not have to hide the love the feel for their s/o. I understand that. But, for that to be acceptable we do have to unite and have parades and rallies and such. Our alliance is our strength. Being gay is not all of who you are, but for people that don't understand it, it is all they think of you as, no matter if you tell them or not. They specualte, and gossip and point fingers. ( they don't have relgions that comdemn you for being blonde or having green eyes) They passive agressive gay bash, and down right get violent. So yes a few stand up and say I am not afraid. I am who I am, and I love who I love. Some don't. And that is ok. Yes a big deal is sometimes made out of being GLBT, but it is made for the most part for a purpose. ( Not saying that all involved know or understand that purpose) Yes being gay shouldn't be anyone elses business, and yes it is made into a bigger deal sometimes than it should be. But it is on a path to acceptance. When the world accepts it, it will be like hair color. Until then it is a hot button for both. One side is against it, and the other side says we are not doing anything wrong.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

Its strange.

when your gay , you become this sex symbol. That's the best way to describe it.

I know gays who feel no need to advertise there feelings , but I feel being gay has its own culture. It actually comes with a culture! That's different and good from heterosexual culture.

I know, I feel good and glad they have marches and talk about themselves. If it weren't for that, I would never have learned as much and grown as much. I would have still been teh homophobic kid who would not go into the rainbow center because of the heterosexuals who are allowed to prance around in churches, government, social gathers where I am, telling me gays are wrong, perverted or just plain nasty.

I cant wait for a day when its not a big deal. I hope it happens in my lifetime at least. Honestly, just to walk down the street and smile at a Young person my gender without feeling I could risk being my well being. That would be nice.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

Thank you to all that see it this one way...Many race, religions, etc...Have had to fight for their rights, and the movement I am a part of (along with a lot of other lgbt) is to ensure that lgbt (such as myself) are able to have more rights equal to that of other people. Being proud of who you are as an individual is the beginning to standing up for what is right. I called E out he is not gay, but a poser how can a person such as your self actually have the nerve to say "Gays' do not help the tabboo society creates at all." While I may respect your opinion I can't because if you were really gay why then wouldn't you say "we." Instead you seperated yourself out of the equation totally which leads me to believe my suspistions your a straight homophobe posing as a gay man. Why? I have know idea, but you wouldn't be the first.

Am I wrong for thinking this?

i d k and you really should noyt be talking about sexuality 10 year old kids are looking at this

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