Monday, July 27, 2009

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

Ok, two questions for both of you.

Why did God, create humanity with Soft feet, that need covering?

Why did God create humanity in a world were exposure to the cold of night alone(Unclothed) can often kill us?


Why did humans, evolve soft foot souls that are so easily damaged, and sensitive?

Why did humans evolve to have so little hair and natural protection from the elements?

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

Our "soles" are soft because they didn't need to be harder. However, our soles do toughen quite a bit when we live in the wild. With the last few thousands of years of shoes, we have let our feet soften quite a bit. However, there are still tribes out there that get along quite well with no footwear. It all depends on the environment you evolve in.

And, again, our protection against the natural elements indicates the environment we evolved in. Humans didn't inhabit the more harsh environments until we figured out how to clothe ourselves. We lived in tropical areas where we didn't need that much protection.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

Soft souls of your feet are only a recent thing. Many Australian Aboriginals who still live on the land do not wear shoes and there feet since childhood have in turn developed calluses...that protect their souls. You too can achieve this, just never wear shoes.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

1. we have soft feet because we cover them, we dont cover them because we have soft feet.

2. we have a brain and are highly inventive, creative and adaptable, if we origianlly came from warm climates the migrated to colder ones then, clothing was the way to endure the cold.

3. our bodies are completely covered in hair. which have gradually through neccesity become small due the change in climate .

4. god is a myth, perpetuated by those who should know better.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

1. In countries where they wear no shoes their feet are as hard as leather shoes.

2. We were originally designed to live in paradise. Mankind brought about curse on the earth when he sold out the human race to Satan.

3. See #1

4. When I was stationed in Korea the hair on my arms and legs got much thicker. While the Koreans who bathed outside in the winter had very little hair. People seem to adapt to their enviorments in different ways.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

The human foot under natural conditions becomes very hard and leathery, capable of walking on rough terrain.

Animal skins are the best protection against the cold. The climate originally ( Adam and Eve time) would have been more temperate than now and a smaller area of our earth.

We have been provided with two of most things. A good move by God who gave things a great deal of thought!

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

Gorillas and other apes have soft feet as well. Ours probably would't be all that "soft", btw, if we didn't go around wearing shoes all the time. Feet develop caluouses (sp?) that protect them from damage, just like if you play guitar or any other string instrument your fingertips will develop caulouses.

We did evolve on the African Savanah, did we really need so much protection against cold? Also, think about it--how attractive do you find hairy people? Once we began to wear protective clothing we were probably able to choose less-hairy mates, so that trait simply got developed. We DID have lots of hair before, though. One reason teenagers get acne is because the pores on their faces excrete oil. When we had hairy faces, this would give the hair a sheen and make us more attractive (so to speak) to potential mates.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

Well God created man in a safe, controlled environment (Eden). As such that would not be an issue.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

1) you walk around barefoot for a while and see how quickly your feet adapt. You have the capability to build up tough feet, you just never used it.

2) Note that hair and even tails ARE still present. The selection process is a statistical phenomena.

There is a theory that sometime within Man's evolutionary past he had an aquatic phase. This is upheld by:

* The layer of fat beneath the skin is more characteristic of marine mammals.

* The pattern described by the hair remaining on the body describes fairly closely what would be a flow pattern. Also, the pattern of denser hair (top of head, chin, pubic region) matches the marine growth areas

* Humans have a diving reflex like that of the semi-aquatic mammals that live in cold climates. When the face hits cold water, the entire metabolism slows and the interior distribution of the blood flows. This has been observed in numerous near-drownings in cold water (it doesn't seem to cut in on warm water).

Thus, we have the same amount of hair (almost) as any other marine mammal. And for the exact same reasons. We just didn't have a long enough marine phase for further adaptations (lose arms %26amp; legs).

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

This is an easy one. Ever herd of the garden of Edan? God created man with soft feet because before eve got the earth cursed, there were no weeds or stickers, and the grass was softer. To answer your second question befor the flood the earth was entirely tropical, so you could stay out all night and it wouldn't get any colder than 70 degrees. But of cause some stupid people had to mess that up too.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

1- Well at least part of that is BECAUSE we have been wearing shoes for so lone. It isn't nearly as fragile in cultures where they are barefoot most of the time. You build up muscles and callouses.

2- Where its hot not having hair is an advantage. Since we lived in Africa most of our history, that's why. In case you never noticed, there are several species that don't have hair there. Just because we are able to use our intelligence to get past what other animals have as a limitation and we moved into colder climates doesn't mean that we were always there.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

From the day you were born your mother put shoes on your feet. Like muscles that must be exercised to get strong, your feet have not been allowed to toughen up. There are many people in this world who do just fine without shoes, because they've been doing it that way their whole lives.

We still have body hair, but it probably stopped growing long because it doesn't need to. If you can kill a bear and make a fur coat, body hair becomes obsolete.

The things we do effect our own evolution.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

First off, evolution is a very obvious and easily-proven FACTUAL aspect of science. Which makes the so-called creationists nothing but a bunch of ignorant dolts. Denying the process of evolution is as idiotic as denying sunrises would be.

Evolutionary stages occur as serendipitous mutations occur. MOST mutations are defects, and don't survive or reproduce efficently. But when the rare ones occur that result in an organism that in some way is BETTER than its peers, and then it survives and reproduces, that begins the process of survival of the fittest until all or most of that species has the new qualities.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

1) Humans feet can harden considerably when exposed to rough surfaces regularly *(look at a hippy) and we may have evolved from a tree dwelling primate originally (opposable thumbs are usually only seen in tree climbers)

*Kalahari bushmen and Australian aboriginals don't wear shoes.

2) I believe we evolved in the tropical regions where cold is not an issue. We only have head hair to reduce sunburn and armpit/groin hair to reduce chafing.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

1. we were meant to be the birds of paradise, soft soles and soft, kind souls. We have chosen a different path.

2.he also gave us brains so we don't spend nights naked in Antarctica

3.we continually evolve, we have soft soles because we wear shoes, people who do not have very tough soles

4. see no 3

what is your point, as if I did not know it?

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

Creation: We were in the Garden of Eden. Because we didn't have a problem with anything back then until Adam and Eve got booted out. Only then did we need to cover our feet cause the ground was hard and cover ourselves because it was cold.

Basically it's a punishment.

Evolution: If you don't wear shoes are feet will develop huge callouses,to the point we don't need shoes. Thousands of years ago (tens of thousands) we all had very thick (1-2 inch)callouses on our feet. But over tens of thousands of years of covering our feet, the callouses went away.

Back thousands of years ago we were extremely hairy, just look, some people with lycanthropy (thick hairs all over their bodies, ie werewolves) but over tens of thousands of years of wearing skins and clothing, we no longer need all the hair.

We evolved out of the need of either.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

The first images of footwear worn by humans are found in cave paintings in Spain made about 15,000 years ago. Many believe that coverings were worn on the feet to protect them from the different type of terrain that humans have traveled over the years. As to why we were 'created' or 'evolved' with soft soles. The soles are how they are originally to protect the bones in our feet. When coverings started to be worn on the feet this lessened our need to have hard soles. The coverings did the job for us but we still needed to protect the bones of the foot.

As far as clothing, for creationism is says that Adam %26amp; Eve were ashamed of their naked bodies when they commited original sin and covered them up. Beginning of wearing clothes? Sounds like it.

For evolutionists, we all evolved in Africa where it was warm most of the time and early humans were covered with hair to protect us from the elements. As humans traveled to other parts of the globe, they started wearing the skins of animals to keep warm, thus, over the milennia, we eliminated our need to have as much body hair. The hair we ho have, evolutionarily speaking, is leftover from when we were covered by it from head to toe.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

Creationists and Evolutionists - you have 2 questions for both?

I am perfectly happy with the theory of evolution as part of the Creators plan for the human race to eventually evolve into the "image of God".

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

Well, our feet do not have to be covered and we have trained them to be soft. Hundreds of thousands of people in Africa, South America, and many other places around the world have never had shoes on their feet. If you or I never had worn shoes, our feet would have developed tough soles just like their's have. And we have made a choice to live in cold areas where our feet might freeze. I do not believe that God meant for humans to live in cold areas, but we have made that choice.

The second part is the same answer.


Creationists, and Evolutionists?

What difference does it make if God Created all from an ameoba and an evolution process or by just creating? Two things only matter God deserves our love and respect due to the fact God gave us life. God deserves praise for creating his son that formed into man so we could know God and be saved, redeemed, and able to reenter the Garden of Eden we call Heaven.

Love Your Maker,


Creationists, and Evolutionists?

I hope I may answer as well, being a gravitationalist.

- Humans can still walk without shoes, but you have to be/get used to it. If you walk without feet protection there grows a lot of callosity. Still many indigenous people do walk without shoes through the bush without any problem. Shoes are a luxury.

- There is no evolutionary evidence why humans "lost" their hair, but there are some theories. One of them is that after the climate in the Horn of Africa changed abt. 6 mln. years ago, because of it started breaking away from the rest of Africa, and there is evidence that region changed from forested area to a massive swampy area. It is known humans originated there about the same time, probably because of the changing circumstances. Evolution works best in changing conditions. Because of the early humans had to wade through the water a lot of the "fir" our ancestors had for temperature regulation, became obsolete and reduced to the fluff we still have all over our body today. Evolution normally doesn't support putting energy in things that have no use. Just like our vermiform appendix. It has been bigger when our ancestors still ate hard to digest vegetation, but reduces in size as our diets changed. Btw. I still do know men who have such amounts of hair all over their body, including their backs, that they almost resemble the apes in that respect.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

The original Paradise Garden was beautiful. Lots of flora and fauna. The temperature around the entire earth was warm. It was like a hot house. A mist came up off the ground and watered the plants. The sole of the foot can become toughened up to withstand most areas of ground. My sister-in-law would go all summer bare foot. She could actually run on rocks. But, the weather on earth changed drastically after the flood. The flood waters came from the canopy of water circling the earth (read Genesis). This also allowed unwanted elements to penetrate the earth. When Adam and Eve sinned, God made long garments for them. So, people got used to wearing clothes. And of course shoes too. Our bodies are not toughened up enough to go without these items any longer.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

Fair enough questions. Good points raised.

I would suggest that as to the feet, i) there are peoples who hunt and survive barefoot, their feet have of course hardened up and calloused as a measure of protection ii) man has also been given the intelligence and ability which can be used to adapt and to provide against difficulties and this of course applies to more than just feet.

The softness of the feet is a good illustration of the tenderness of a right walk with God. Man was created to be dependant not independant.

As to covering against the elements, when man was first created the climate was very different, much warmer and probably a different pressure so that covering from the elements was not necessary. Conditions were ideal, perfect.

After the Fall when sin had entered in then covering was for other reasons than protection from the elements.Climatic conditions were catasclysmically altered by the Flood and cold and the cold regions that we know today were brought about. This also necesarily brought in various types of storms and violent weather conditions such as we experience today. Protection from the elements has now become necessary.

As you can appreciate these new conditions are a consequence of sin and are permitted by God, not least as a reminder and demonstration of our miserable estate.

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

because humans evolved in areas of the planet where hard soled feet were not necessary and where the climate was tropical to sub tropical so the nights were not cold enough to kill. Humans MOVED into the areas where cold nights and days were a danger and learned to survive...

Creationists, and Evolutionists?


1. Because God felt like it.

2. Because God felt like it.


1. They have changed over time, were originally used in a warmer, softer climate, will adapt to new situations. However, odd things happen, like the Eskimos. It doesn't make sense for them not to wear shoes, yet their blood has developed to being more resistant to the cold...

2. Random variations/ mutations do not determine if a species survives. What matters is that (1) the mutation does not kill off the individual, (2) the individual reproduces, and (3) the mutation is not bred out of the family line. Looking at modern conceptions of beauty, it's a wonder that humans have hair at all!

Creationists, and Evolutionists?

Im an evolutionist

If you went without shoes your whole life, your feet would harden (as is evident in some cultures where shoes are not worn). Its because we wear shoes our feet are soft.

Humans lost their hair because they no longer needed it after they started to wear animal skins and clothing and were able to build shelters.

Less hair also makes the human skin more sensitive to touch -probably for bonding and mating purposes.

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