Thursday, July 30, 2009

Blood question, HELP!!!!!!!?

The colour of human blood is red, regardless of the natural skin colour, hair colour or eye colour of a person. Yet there are several types of blood, not explicitly connected to any of these visible differences.

Examine why medical professionals establish the blood type of the donor and the recipient before doing a blood transfusion.

Blood question, HELP!!!!!!!?

This is a very complicated topic, but I will try to simplify it. Blood types have to be compatible in order to transfuse someone. There are different molecules present on red blood cells, and if your body doesn't recognize the molecules, it develops antibodies to them that will destroy the red blood cells. So by finding out the blood type, they can determine what cells are safe to give to people so that their immune system will not "reject" the blood. Giving someone incompatible blood can be deadly.

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