Monday, July 27, 2009

Should I put my dog outside?

My dog is almost 4 years old. She was an outside dog for about a year when she was 2. So she has now been an inside dog for almost 2 years since then and now she thinks she is human! I am tired of all the dog hair and here lately like I mentioned in my earlier question, she has been refusing to potty out side and she is ruining my rugs! So Is it wrong to make her an outside dog now? I have also limted her to only dry food so could she also be mad because of her diet change?

Should I put my dog outside?

let her outside for half the day then bring her back in for the other half

Should I put my dog outside?

you should take her to petco for obedience training so she will listen and do her "stuff" outside. Also they have products for shed control here are the links

Should I put my dog outside?

The law states that all you have to provide is Water, Food, Exercise and if living outside Shelter.

As long as your providing these things the rest is down to your consience. The dog whisperer says a dog needs these three things to be happy:

Discipline, Exercise, Love.

Most dogs are pack animals and wan't to be around the pack members. Why not reach a balance and have the dog outside for part of the day but inside at night. Then your dog gets to sleep whilst it's cold outside and you have the added bonus of a dog that could sound the alarm or protect you from being burgled. Your dog your choice.

Should I put my dog outside?

heyy ther.... wel...ALL dogs wanna b close with their master....i hav two big dogs n we depend on da weather....if its too cold or tooo warm, we put them inside...when im at home, i let them in but once we're all out, we let them out so they can run around n hav some excercise in da garden.....tats good for da dogs but dont put ur dog out for a long time coz she might think she's left out n she could get my way to place my dogs....u can do tat too! n everytime when u let ur dog in, she will b REALLY happy n tat always makes me feel happy....

Should I put my dog outside?

I think she needs re-housebroken. Treat her like you would a young puppy. You may want to also consider getting her checked by a vet to be sure there are no health issues.

As far as the dog hair.. brush her daily and run the vacuume.. I used to have a husky mix and I managed to keep the dog hair down to a minimum.

"sticking her outside" is just the lazy way.

Should I put my dog outside?

She isn't refusing to go out side.. You either aren't taking her out enough, or you haven't properly housetrained her..

You chose a dog with long hair.. Now you don't like it??

Yeah you can't have a dog in the house for 2 years then give them the boot, because you changed your mind about what you wanted.. You neglected to train properly, don't groom her properly so she isn't shedding all over the house and you have allowed her to think she is human.. You ruined the dog and the way you pay for that is by kicking her out???

Should I put my dog outside?

No it is perfectly FINE for you to put your dog outside. Lots of dogs live outside and they do great so don't feel guilty. She may be depressed for a while but once she gets used to it she will be happy again. My dog was depressed because I put him on a diet because he was too fat. Now he is used to it and is fine.

Should I put my dog outside?

Once you agree to put you dog inside when it has been outside for 2 year also you should learn how to cope with that dog.I think you make the right choice before accepting to put her inside and if you think you make the wrong choise you still have the time to make another choice.What i can advice you is to let the dog stay with you inside and try to cope with her but that is my opinion i can't force you to stay with dog inside.

Should I put my dog outside?

It is always hard for a dog the change from being an outside dog to being an inside pet. That change, and the new food could be the reason of her behavior. My advise: you should try to potty train her again. Try to determine at what times she "goes to the bathroom" and walk her at those times, praising her if she "does it" outside (positive reinforcement). Also by walking her everyday she will be calmer at home. Regarding the hair, brush her really well everyday, that reduces the amount of hair inside the house. Hope this helps.

Should I put my dog outside?

Please don't banish her again!

Brush her to keep the hair in check and go through the whole potty training process again.

You sound really frustrated with her and that isn't going to help with a peeing issue and although she isn't human, obviously, she has feelings and needs reassurance.

I think it is cruel to suddenly after 2 yrs put her outside.

Treat her humanely.

Should I put my dog outside?

This depends on what kind of dog is it.. I have a dog too, but i prefer to cage him up inside the house ( having a cage for it inside the house) and leave him out to go poop, pee or eat at certain times. My dog normally sleep like a total dead pig in his cage while being inside the house.. lol.

Should I put my dog outside?

Please don't put her out.She's used to being in the house with you.Think how you would feel,if someone you loved suddenly got sick of you and threw you outside to be all alone.Just start housebreaking all over again,as if she were a puppy.You might have her examined by a vet to rule out a urinary tract infection.If she's OK,use a crate,puppy housebreaking pads,and patience to get her to go potty outside.As for the hair,get her a haircut! I have a St.Bernard/Boxer/Border Collie mix who sheds like crazy in the summer,so I just shave her down with a #10 blade every June,and by winter,her hair is nice and thick again.And then there's this thing called a vacuum cleaner!

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