Thursday, July 30, 2009

I think I'll do the right thing.?

Years ago, 16 and 22 yrs. old, I had abortions. The second time, I promised God that I will not have a abortion. Now I'm pregnant, just had a baby in Feb. 2007, and I have to deal with this decision again. But I've seen a little clip of how a abortion is done, and I was shocked! The baby's head apart, broken feet, it really touched me. Yes, me and my boyfriend don't have money, live in broken down apt with mice in it, have 3 other kids, always complaining about money and unexpected bills that likes to pop up. But what can I do? I rather suffer for my kids, live in a shack apt, live on minimum wage, have the baby, and later when I die, be saved. Yes, better than suffer, have baby, things ok, die, and go to hell. So I really don't care anymore. I'll have the baby. But I'm human, things will get tough, and I will rip my hair of my scalp, but rather that than go to hell.

I think I'll do the right thing.?

Good luck sweetie and congratualtions. but dont do this to yourself again babe use contraception,one person can only handle so much stress. do you really want to be making this same decision next year too?

I think I'll do the right thing.?

Perhaps you should consider an open adoption. You would still be able to communicate with your child and keep track of them but not have the financial responsibilities. There are lots and lots of wonderful couples who would love to take in your baby and give it a wonderful life.

I think I'll do the right thing.?

I think you should give the baby up for adoption and get yourself on birth control!

I think I'll do the right thing.?

If you are serious about not wanting to get an abortion and would like a better life for your child than what you can provide right now, consider adoption. There are plenty of families out here that want children and are unable to have them naturally.

Good Luck

I think I'll do the right thing.?

just remember there is always adoption.there are alot of people out there that want kids but cant have them.

I think I'll do the right thing.?

After you have this baby get your tubes tied. Your states Medicaid will pay for it. Please consider giving your baby to a family who will love it and care for it. Often times with adoptions they will help you out to ensure you get the proper care you need while pregnant. This could ease your burden a bit. What you went through at 16 and 22 will live with you for the rest of your life but you could also live the rest of your life knowing your baby has given someone the family they've always desired. If you choose to keep your baby make sure you don't end up in this situation again by getting your tubes tied. Please seek counseling either from your doctor or get the number of a free clinic that can help. God bless you and your family.

I think I'll do the right thing.?

Don't kill your baby. I believe that god would not give you something that you could not handle. Baby's are blessings from god.

Good Luck!

I think I'll do the right thing.?

I wish alot of women thought the way you do. Better to not have a kid than have them suffer in poverty with you. Give the kid up for adoption. Someone already mentioned "open adoption" where you still have contact. GET YOUR TUBES TIED. Prevent another pregnancy. It is a reversable procedure if you ever decide you want children to keep, but don't take the chance of having to make this decision again.

My husband's ex has had 10 children. One she gave up for adoption, one died. Her oldest son that she had at 15 lives with his father and hates her guts for the life she made him by being with her. He is now happy, an honor student and is well loved. Most of her other kids got shipped off to various family members because she couldn't afford to keep them--yet she kept having them. She's a selfish person who doesn't deserve the right to have children. My husband's 2 children have emotional problems and have been held back in school. The county we live in give no privileges to fathers and gave her sole custody, no matter the better life we could give them. At least you are realizing now that this is not a good living situation for children. The most wonderful gift you can give your child is to give them a better life with someone else.

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