Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Please give advice on how i can help my daughter deal with the racial comment at her job?

My Daughter has not quit her job because she fears a bad reference.. which would hinder her in finding another job.. and what do she say why she left her old job she has talk with the right dept heads to deal with the the "you should be on a syrup bottle comments, that she should check with the human resources dept if she is going to ware her hair natural. because she decided not to put chemicals in her hair to straighten it any longer.. when planning a board meeting her boss was asked who is the new person.. she was introduced as. The new and I quote " this is my new slave" me at her age there would have been a beat down.. this company did a mediation meeting of all parties concerned with some one that the supervisor and her supervisors boss choose..... my child enjoys the work she is doing in social service field.

Please give advice on how i can help my daughter deal with the racial comment at her job?

She should report any racial slurs to her superior, if not resolved satifactorily, keep going up the chain of command til she gets satisfaction.

It is very important that she document all conversations, nothing works better in the court of law than places,dates and times. If the supervisors are in on it too, she will have a hellava case.

Please give advice on how i can help my daughter deal with the racial comment at her job?

I would contact the BBB or even your local police department for discrimination and even harrassment. This was seriously unexceptable and i am sorry she had to come in contact with such a jerk.

Have her read some of the comments on here.

Just let her know that not all people in this world are nice and she came in contact with an uneducated jerk.

Please give advice on how i can help my daughter deal with the racial comment at her job?

File a complaint with hiuman resources and keep a copy of the complaint in case she is fired for her job. There is something wrong with a supervisor that condones this behavior.

Please give advice on how i can help my daughter deal with the racial comment at her job?

Whites don't understand what black women have to go through in hair care. They don't understand that in some places just finding black shampoo is impossible. They don't understand the effort our women have to do to have hair that is straight like theirs. Sad.

The right thing to do is to report the person making the comment. I mean, EOE dept should be contacted if it is a big company. They won't do anything, but if that person that made the comment crosses the line again, maybe they will be reprimanded.

Please give advice on how i can help my daughter deal with the racial comment at her job?

Does she talk like you write? Does she act like you think? Beat Down huh? If so she deserved whatever was said, and so do you.

I know people will thumbs down my answer, but that'll only prove my point.

Please give advice on how i can help my daughter deal with the racial comment at her job?

racial comments are something used by the ignorant in their failing efforts to demonstrate that their existence has meaning.

do you ever hear a successful person saying they owe their success to being a racist? never in all my 56 years (so far). It is only the losers who say this sort of thing -- because they have no pride in themselves and can't stand it that anyone else might find some.

Please give advice on how i can help my daughter deal with the racial comment at her job?

She can sue for harassment. Harassment in the workplace isn't just about sex. If an employee feels that there is a hostile environment and the employer doesn't take action then your daughter can sue. She should contact a lawyer who is an expert in this area of employment law. There is no reason why your daughter should have to put up with that nonsense. Not in the 21st century.

Please give advice on how i can help my daughter deal with the racial comment at her job?

I'm not sure what the proper action would be, but I just wanted you to know I'm so sorry your daughter went through such a horrible experience! Some people are so ignorant ... the rest of us just have to step over them and move on while hoping they grow up and wise up.

Best wishes to you and your daughter!

Please give advice on how i can help my daughter deal with the racial comment at her job?

I would repeat the "Old Man" comment and add one thing.


The people she is dealing with are way out of line. Make lots of records of every comment and sue the living **** out of the company if they even fail to promote her, let alone fire her. In fact if she has good records, including witness' names she could own the company right now and not even know it.

Good luck.

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