Monday, July 27, 2009

Why does the government seem to hate everyone who contributed so much to the country?

Last I checked it was black people and imigrants who built this country and invented almost everything we use.

Why is it o.k. for a government to kill anyone and take their land but it's not cool for imigrants to be there at all?

I hope I'm not the only one who sees how backwards human thinking can become. Why are people so over patriotic? The foundation of this country rests on the myth that if you don't have blond hair and blue eyes, you are less than human.

One more question: why is there no religion in anything anymore in America? is'nt this country's law based on Christianity?

p.s. I'll be damned if I dishonor the flag by fighting in a war over money and oil. The exact opposite of jihad is a war for the devil's glory.

Why does the government seem to hate everyone who contributed so much to the country?

The idea is to suck everything out of the country not keep it in.

I am sure you could have seen that coming from a billion miles away but for some stupid reason you didn't. Well that is why we are here so you can clean that crap up and move on to working on the betterment of the people and the country also.

God Bless America!

Why does the government seem to hate everyone who contributed so much to the country?

Lets not be stupid about this topic either. Do not try to bring the race card into the topic when it doesn't need to be there. Forget the whole race deal. The government is not one big person running everything like it is portrayed in your question. The people running it are the people that we elect for office. If you want to make a difference start with yourself. Do not let our country become what we don't want it to be. Instead of complaining and whining about it why don't we try to fix it. I think you have a valid point, don't get me wrong, but don't get stupid about it either. There is nothing wrong with a seperation of church and state, it all depends on your morality and ethics and how we as individuals act in our lives. As far as the war goes, even if you don't support the war itself, you must remember who is over there fighting to keep us safe. It is because of them that we have any freedom at all. I'm not telling you to change your opinion, just look at the facts and at least support those that bust their *** in the distant places so we can be free. And as far as i know, blonde hair and blue eyes has nothing to do with how human we are.

Why does the government seem to hate everyone who contributed so much to the country?

Hi Don!

I agree! But one thing you might have missed is that WE (American Indians) had this land first. They teach the stupid thing about Ponce De'leon discovering America or some crap.... but they don't teach about how they stripped us of everything we owned, including our land. How in the hell did we get put on reservations on our own s_it ??? This Government SUCKS!!!!!

Why does the government seem to hate everyone who contributed so much to the country?

What do you mean by not cool for immigrants to be here? Unless one is American Indian, we all are immigrants. May be you mean illegal immigrants? if that the case then try to be illegal immigrant in another country then see if you can find a job. Blond hair and blue eyes? The president and the vice president and all the candidates that are running for presidency don't have blond hair or blue eyes, so what are you talking about? may be you mistaken this country with Germany?

Why does the government seem to hate everyone who contributed so much to the country?

Somebody's touchy today. Well, that's the government for you, I guess.

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