Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is wrong with me? Please help!!!?!?

Oh my gosshh! i woke up this morning with a burning rash and bright red pupils...I completely freaked out and drove quickly to the hospital. My doctor said that I have strange symptons and that I might have Wareiolitis (a rare disease that causes human beings to become Warewolfs). I don't believe her because even though I have extreme anounts of hair sprouting for my face and a sudden craving for human flesh. It's nothing right? What should I do?!

What is wrong with me? Please help!!!?!?

Dear Lillyyy,

I have seen this condition many times. It is really not as serious as you might think., so slow down, and relax a bit, wil you?

The answer to your question has, sadly, been lost over the years due to the phenomenal amount of misinformation being put out by the AMA. They are secretly protecting members of the SFOF (sheep farmers of america).Wareiolitus was a very common disease in medieval times, and still crops up now and then. Relax. You are not alone.

The reccommended sure-fire cure for your problem is to find a sheep. You simply have to kill the sheep without being spotted by the game warden, and drink 2 teaspoons of the blood from it. A moonless night is the best time to find a sheep that will fill your needs. Simply slit the throat, put your mouth to the cut, and drink a couple of gulps. After that you will become invisible, so can take your time in making your escape. The effect is permanent, so once you do this you will never be bothered by this traumatic set of cirmcumstance again as long as you live. Goodl luck to you, and good huntiing.. You will become visible again in less than two weeks, and so can then resume your normal life.

What is wrong with me? Please help!!!?!? long as you stay inside at night because the moon sometimes sets people like you off to do crazy things like i dont know attack .But as long as you stay away from me everything will be ok probaly wont see me for a little while.cuz ummmmmmmm........vacation ya thats it im going on vacation.bye

What is wrong with me? Please help!!!?!?

go back on your medication

What is wrong with me? Please help!!!?!?

uhmm... youre really bad at lying.

What is wrong with me? Please help!!!?!?

No, don't worry, it all be OK,

when you wake up in the morning!!!

What is wrong with me? Please help!!!?!?

What hospital was that? I knew a doctor like that once! I changed my address and took a cab. Fare wasn't bad tho and the ride either. Got there and changed my diet. Just in time, too, the price of gas went up next morning and so did the hotel rates, but the manager was a good looker. She also cleaned the mirror and I looked better. Good thing my driver's license wasn't expired and there were no drugs in the cafeteria!

What is wrong with me? Please help!!!?!?


What is wrong with me? Please help!!!?!?

did you watch "teen wolf" too many times??? or "thriller" ??

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