Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Second try. Extreme ages given in the bible based on lunar cycles rather than solar years?

The bible gives the age for Methuselah at 969, but study of skeletal remains throughout history have shown that humans are living longer now than ever before. This longer lifespan is due in part to: more adequate diet, better sanitation, modern medicine, and lack of predation. In the past a person was considered very old if they lived long enough to get gray hair (one reason the Roman upper class died their hair gray, to appear older and wiser). There is no medical explanation for how any human could live to over 900yrs, unless we consider the fact that many ancient cultures based their time on Lunar phases, rather than Solar years. If Methuselah's age was given in Lunar cycles, rather than years as we know them, this would give him a very believable age of approximately 79. As for the decrease in age some bible readers are bound to point out, this would coincide with the spread of the Solar year (seasonal change) as the common measure of time. Anyone care to speculate?

Second try. Extreme ages given in the bible based on lunar cycles rather than solar years?

Thats a better answer than:

" The air was much cleaner back then" - i'm not kidding this is what someone actually told me was the reason for people for the extreme ages that occur in the bible

Second try. Extreme ages given in the bible based on lunar cycles rather than solar years?


Second try. Extreme ages given in the bible based on lunar cycles rather than solar years?

well... what you are saying makes common sense to me. as far as the lunar vs real age. although 79 was very old for those times as well...and since he would have out lived two generations... he would be like an ancient. lol

Second try. Extreme ages given in the bible based on lunar cycles rather than solar years?

The extreme ages were representative of a good person. At the time of the writing of the Old Testament, Jews did not believe that one was rewarded for a good life in the afterlife or heaven. They believed that this life was all there is. (I don't know if all Jews still believe this.) So, to point out to the reader how good certain people in the stories were, like Methuselah, the writers gave extreme ages to them as a way of saying that they were such good, righteous people that they lived forever. It's got nothing to do with the sun or the moon as it is not to be taken literally.

Second try. Extreme ages given in the bible based on lunar cycles rather than solar years?

I'd say that when God created us, we were created to live forever, but as the curse weighed on us, our genes began to deteriorate through mutations, and so our lifespans decreased. They got a lot shorter after the Flood bc of the bottleneck that the human genome went through, and we've only been living longer bc we have better food and vaccines and so on.

You say that measuring Methusaleh's age in lunar years is more believable. Jesus' resurrection is unbelievable, yet it happened and is the foundation for our salvation. God doesn't care whether we find something believable or not, as long as we trust in Him. That does mean believing some things without proof, but if you're going to place any assumptions in something, they should be in God.

Second try. Extreme ages given in the bible based on lunar cycles rather than solar years?

That is a very interesting view point and would certainly place his age within the realm of possibility.

Second try. Extreme ages given in the bible based on lunar cycles rather than solar years?

I guess that means Enoch was only 5 years old when he became a father.

Second try. Extreme ages given in the bible based on lunar cycles rather than solar years?

the chosen people, descendants of Adam, had the residule effects of Adam and Eve eating of the Tree of Life. The gentile, other races, did not partake of this. However, when Cain mated and produced with the other races, his blood line also had some residule effects of the tree of life.

Hope this helps.

Second try. Extreme ages given in the bible based on lunar cycles rather than solar years?

What evidence of life spans do surveyors have except recent compared to thousands of years.

Also, the lunar year only differs by about 11 days each year to the solar one...

Second try. Extreme ages given in the bible based on lunar cycles rather than solar years?

Yah, it's pretty clear that that would certainly be a rational age wouldn't it.

Second try. Extreme ages given in the bible based on lunar cycles rather than solar years?

I don't know much about lunar vs. solar, but I do know this:

Methuselah lived before the Deluge (Flood), a time when the Earth was covered by a "canopy" of vapor, otherwise known as the "Water Canopy." This canopy helped to block out most of the sun's harmful radiation, creating a climate where people, as well as plants and animals, could live for longer periods of time.

But then the Flood came and the "windows of heaven were opened" (Gen 7:11). All the water from the canopy emptied out to create the flood waters. After the Flood, there was no water canopy to protect earth from the sun's radiation. Earth's climate became more hostile to live in than it was to before. As such, people aged more quickly than they did before.

So, while people were able to live for hundreds of years before the Flood, people now only live rarely to be a hundred.

Second try. Extreme ages given in the bible based on lunar cycles rather than solar years?

But by that account Enoch had a son when he was 5 years old. What's up with that?

See the genealogy chart at http://www.bcbsr.com/survey/geneol.html for the numbers

Second try. Extreme ages given in the bible based on lunar cycles rather than solar years?

Excellence point!

One correction. There are 13 lunar cycles in a year. So the calculation I got is about 74 %26amp; 1/2 years!

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