Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Madlyan Murry Ohair. Dis-owned her son?

she dis-owned her son for becoming a Christan?

If she thought what he belived was a lie why would it matter?

Why did she not have a heart to show him "true" human kindness?

check it out for yourself. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madalyn_Mur...

I'm not trying to bash or be smart I just don't understand how she could throw away her sons love or as she said

"One could call this a postnatal abortion on the part of a mother, I guess; I repudiate him entirely and completely for now and all times...He is beyond human forgiveness"

beyond human forgiveness?

Why so much hate if it's a fairy tale?

Madlyan Murry Ohair. Dis-owned her son?

It does seem pretty disgusting. But then, no one's perfect. As I hear it, she was more than slightly insane.



A fairly famous atheist. Pretty much was the one who introduced the general population to the term 'atheist'.

Unfortunately, and I'm an atheist so don't think I'm religiously biased on this, unfortunately, she was a crazy, filthy mouthed hate-filled wench who demanded everything her way or she threw horrible, vulgarity-laced temper tantrums.

Pretty much if there ever was such a thing as a fundamentalist atheist -- she was it. I wouldn't even be remotely interested in having tea with her to discuss our views on atheism. I'd be severely disinterested in even being in the same state as her.



I agree with you. A lot of atheists, myself included more often than I like to admit, often operate from a siege mentality in the USA because we are a minority smaller than most other demographics, where a vast portion of the majority (I'm saying nothing of HOW vast in compare to the whole, just a large number) sincerely hate and despise atheists in contradiction of the teachings of their majority.

It really works both ways though -- sadly, we are ALL a bit prejudiced. We may go out of our way to integrate and accept all people, but it is a simple fact that the human mind is a generalization learning machine. Unfortunately, a large number of the Christians on this site are unkind and hate-filled people, and are becoming the overwhelming Christian generalization. Of course, the reverse applies to the atheists too.

It's a sad fact that sane, calm, and rational people tend to quietly go about their business, and only the insane, passionate, or irrational people scream their ideas from the top of the largest building in town for all to hear.

Memetic evolution sucks. Pity it's so dang true.

Madlyan Murry Ohair. Dis-owned her son?

Who cares? She was a bitter old hag. What's your point?

Madlyan Murry Ohair. Dis-owned her son?

She's been dead a long time. Let it rest.

Madlyan Murry Ohair. Dis-owned her son?

Read his book and you will understand. She was a true crazy.

Madlyan Murry Ohair. Dis-owned her son?

WHAT!? Madalyn Murry O'Hare *invented* disowning her son, you say? I did not know that. Thanks for the info.

Madlyan Murry Ohair. Dis-owned her son?

All I remember of her was that she was murdered by some of her closest associates. :)

Madlyan Murry Ohair. Dis-owned her son?

Who is this Madhyan Murry Ohair and what religion is she?

Oh I get it...

Madlyan Murry Ohair. Dis-owned her son?

She might have been looney but the Supreme Court listened to her

Madlyan Murry Ohair. Dis-owned her son?

A disgrace to atheism, indeed.

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