Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How will humans evolve next?

We all know the theories of evolution.

According to Darwinian theories, we have to adapt to our environment or perish.

Our descendants will most likely 'lose' their nails and hair because it won't be of any use to them.

Can humans possibly one day develop wings and start flying, or develop fangs to live under-water or lose their eyes to live in underground?

All of these because of the obvious reasons, life on land is impossible because of pollution, depletion of resources, melting icebergs, etc?

What do you think will be the next evolution step in 1 million years? Or will we just become extinct?

And what do scientists predict? Serious answers please.

How will humans evolve next?

We will become extinct long before developing wings. I like your idea about underwater fangs :)

How will humans evolve next?

A new superbreed will emerge who can eat microwave burritos and cheetos without getting obese or developing heart disease. You can already see millions of the lesser humans dying off as natural selection fattens them for the slaughter.

How will humans evolve next?

It depends on who you mate with.

How will humans evolve next?

Hopefully we would develop sixth fingers on each hand for gaming and surfing the web (In reality, it's completely impossible to predict how humans will evolve.).

How will humans evolve next?

I think our toes are going to disappear because we need them for walking and these days, there are very few people who actually do the same amount of walking as our cave ancestors. This is to tell you that according to one theory of evolution, things that we use very little or not at all, are gradually going to disappear, though other theories oppose this idea. One thing that we have to understand is that evolution is not always triggered by environmental pressures, it depends to a great extent on the plasticity of our genome, and factors that control the expression of genes. We will never lose our sense of sight just because we are going to have to live underground, However, billions of years of living undergreound can bring major changes in our eyesight. For example, the blindcave salamander, it has eyes but these are more like vestigial organs rather than organs of sight.

What we are going to become, nobody can predict and only time will tell!

How will humans evolve next?

I think if modern civilization survives and continues to advance over the next 500 or so years, we will colonize other planets and THEN evolution will really take off. especially if those colonies become isolated. Several hundred generations of people living in zero Gs might make an amorphous blob-human.

How will humans evolve next?

Okay, it's the LAW of EVOLUTION, it is Darwin's theory of natural selection.

AT least Darwin knew that you can not predict the environmental pressures of the future, you can only trace the environmental pressures of the past.

No, humans cannot develop wings. To do so would mean that they first would lose their arms.

And yes, scientists predict humans will become extinct. That is the one guarantee, that 99.9% of all creatures that have lived on this planet have become extinct.

May I suggest, you have a serious interest in this subject, take an intro to animal behavior class. it will answer many of your questions and teach you the difference between EVOLUTION and natural selection and what is and what isn't.

How will humans evolve next?

We do use our nails. They help us when holding things; keep the skin in place, if you will. If they weren't there, the skin on your fingertips would slide around the phalanges much more than they already do. Losing hair is a possibility, though I would think people would continue to choose mates with lots of head hair. And I don't think we would ever lose our eyebrows or eyelashes, because they help keep foreign objects and sweat out of our eyes.

We have developed wings and flown. They're called airplanes. Other than that, we will not develop natural wings because they would serve no purpose. Nor would fangs nor losing our eyes. We make the environment adapt to us, not the other way around anymore.

You are the next step in evolution. And your children are the next after that. We are making small changes already due to our lifestyle. We're losing our wisdom teeth (I only produced two) because we cook our food and take care of our teeth so there's no need for the replacements. We're losing our appendix because it's not needed to digest raw plant material anymore. We're losing our nictating membrane (the little pink squishy thing in the inner corner of your eye) because we have no need for a third eyelid like our animal relatives; we don't almost lose our eyes due to banging our head against a tree like a woodpecker, we don't dive underwater like alligators, we don't need it to protect our eyes against elements when we sleep like cats or dogs. We're losing our pinky toe because it's not needed to hold us up when we stand upright.

We already are evolving (and always have been), and chances are, we'll end up with less body parts than with more.

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