Tuesday, October 6, 2009

People have said that mice can get fleas and mites is there a way to prevent them?

someone told me mites can go on humans and if they are in your hair you can lose your hair. i don't want fleas either. i just want a healthy mouse with no bugs.way to prevent?

People have said that mice can get fleas and mites is there a way to prevent them?

8 in 1 spray for small animals works for fleas and bugs that sometimes come in wood shavings. Need to ask a vet for something for mites. Don't be a moron like the previous posters and use ceder bedding, it's very toxic to rodents.

People have said that mice can get fleas and mites is there a way to prevent them?

cedar bedding/litter repels 'em

People have said that mice can get fleas and mites is there a way to prevent them?

I assume that you have a pet mouse. If you keep the creature away from natural sources of infestation (that is, indoors, and mostly in a cage), you'll be fine.

People have said that mice can get fleas and mites is there a way to prevent them?

Yes mice can get mites. I used to have some and they can be very deadly to the little mice b/c they will suck all their blood.

One thing that I did was put some cedar bedding in with my mice, it repels mites. I didn't use alot of it b/c the cedar smell can irritate the mice's lungs.

Also, check w/ your local pet supply store, I believe that there are some mite sprays you can get.

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