Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Biblical ages based on solar year, or lunar cycles?

The bible gives the age for Methuselah at 969, but study of skeletal remains throughout history have shown that humans are living longer now than ever before. This longer lifespan is due in part to: more adequate diet, better sanitation, modern medicine, and lack of predation. In the past a person was considered very old if they lived long enough to get gray hair (one reason the Roman upper class died their hair gray, to appear older and wiser). There is no medical explanation for how any human could live to over 900yrs, unless we consider the fact that many ancient cultures based their time on Lunar phases, rather than Solar years. If Methuselah's age was given in Lunar cycles, rather than years as we know them, this would give him a very believable age of approximately 79. As for the decrease in age some bible readers are bound to point out, this would coincide with the spread of the Solar year (seasonal change) as the common measure of time. Anyone care to speculate?

Biblical ages based on solar year, or lunar cycles?

I've often thought this myself. While I've always found that Biblical accounts should be taken with a grain of salt, I do realize that they were at least partially based on truth. So something as basic and non-worldview shaking as counting someone's age probably wouldn't be fabricated to such a ridiculous degree. Thank you for pointing this out. : )

Biblical ages based on solar year, or lunar cycles?

wow, that was nice. here's a thought, maybe they based it on dog years.

Biblical ages based on solar year, or lunar cycles?

Even back in Methuselah's era 79 would be far fetched.

Biblical ages based on solar year, or lunar cycles?

Excellent question. The Bible itself does say that Methuselah lived for 969 years before he died, according to the Bible book of Genesis chapter 5 verse 27. Now, some have suggested that Methusaleh's age was given on the basis of months. If this were so, then these men mentioned in the Bible book of Genesis would have become fathers at an exceptionally young age: Kenan before he turned six years old, and Enoch and Mahalalel when they were only five years old (see Genesis chapter 5, verses twelve, fifteen, and twenty-one).

But, you are right in the sense that the Bible has used other methods of recording time, such as days or months. Fortunately, if one were to read and compare a period of time during the great flood of Noah's day in Genesis chapter 7 verses 11 and 24 to Genesis chapter 8 verses 3 and 4, they would realize that it covers a period of "the 17th day of the second month to the 17th day of the seventh month", thus amounting a total of five months, or "150 days." This, therefore means that the Bible was referring to thirty-day months, twelve of which added up to a year, just like we do today.

Now maybe you don't believe the fact that Methuselah and other early Bible characters lived that long, it seems just impossible. But if one were to read the beginning of the book of Genesis, they would realize that God had made Adam and Eve, the first humans, to live forever, but since they sinned against God, they became imperfect and were told that they would die and so would their offspring (which includes us). Now, their becoming imperfect wasn't just something that happened fast and quickly for Adam and Eve. Their perfection slowly started fading away, being replaced with imperfection. This is why early Bible characters, such as Methuselah and others during Noah's day, lived up to be so old.

Fortunately, there is hope in store for us. (Romans 6:23, Revelation 21:4)

Biblical ages based on solar year, or lunar cycles?

"There is no medical explanation"

NO, there isn't and I for one, am not interested in a medical explanation. There is no explanation for a lot of things but that doesn't mean they are not true. If you want to believe what the Bible says, then you take it for what it says. If you don't, then no amount of speculation is going to change your mind.

As a Christian, it is just not one of those things I worry about. I know God is real and that he created the heavens and the Earth,,,,when? I wasn't there and neither were the scientists who think they have it figured out. Speculations does no one any good.

Besides, don't scientists believe it has to be something you can repeat in the physical world, before it can be proven...go ahead guys....create something from nothing...show us why you are right.....make us another world........

Biblical ages based on solar year, or lunar cycles?

Ditto Dreamdress

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