Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why do Americans worship celebrities?

They pick up, say, some girl who can chant a little song or a girl whose parents have a lot of money, and get obsessed with them and worship them, until they notice that they are human, as well as others, and then they start hating them? I find this obsession so strange. "Ah, she eats... hamburgers! Ah!" Haven't they ever seen a girl who chews a hamburger, what is so wonderful in it, why should it be photographed and appear in... news section? "Ah, she eats??? She drinks??? She marries? She cuts her hair? She gets a divorce?" What is so heartbreaking and spectacular about it? Everyone cuts off hair, gets married, gets divorced and so on.

They are the same humans as others.

Why do Americans worship celebrities?

many americans (no offense) worship celebrities because they don't find themselves "good enough" or "talented" and try to be like them. Others just plain follow because they don't have any specific direction in life.

Why do Americans worship celebrities?

I completely agree...people are always talking about celebrities and I'm like: unless you know them personally, why do you care?

Why do Americans worship celebrities?

Whoa, whoa, whoa! I am British and they do exactly the same thing here, too! Journalists love nothing more than building some poor kid up and then knocking him/her down. And then they proceed to the kicking. Seriously, they're obsessed with celebrities all over the west. It's disgusting, and has to stop.

Why do Americans worship celebrities?

It's quite annoying to tell you the truth. I can no longer watch the 5 or 10 o'clock news without hearing about Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, and Britney Spears. I keep asking myself, WHY is this news?!? I'd rather hear about the same story over and over then some celebrity rehab, bad parenting, or alcoholic party girl.

Why do Americans worship celebrities?

I am american and I dont worship anybody.

Why do Americans worship celebrities?

One falsehood in your statement; "Everyone cuts off hair, gets married, gets divorced and so on." ; is obvious. Priests rarely get married, and I have never been divorced.

I do not worship celebrities, or even keep track of who they are. I could not pick that Spears girl out of a line-up, nor any rapper.

I have a job, that is my priority, not some 'tramp' showing her camel toe in a limousine.

I am really confounded by your perception of Americans. I saw on the news today, that we are one of the most productive labor forces in the world.

Why do Americans worship celebrities?

Because we were made to worship. But some people do not realize we were made to worship God, and so they turn to other things to fill that void in their lives.

Why do Americans worship celebrities?

"Worship" is not the correct term.

As a noun, worship is:


***** a. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.

***** b. The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed.

2. Ardent devotion; adoration.

3. often Worship Chiefly British. Used as a form of address for magistrates, mayors, and certain other dignitaries: Your Worship.

as a verb (your use), worship is:

1. To honor and love as a deity.

2. To regard with ardent or adoring esteem or devotion. See synonyms at revere1.


1. To participate in religious rites of worship.

2. To perform an act of worship.

I believe many Americans follow celebrities much too closely and invest too much time in knowing what they are wearing, who they are dating, what they eat, where they vacation, etc. It is not worshiping them. They don't pray to (for example) Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, Paris Hilton, etc. To pray to someone would be to worship them. To follow/track their very public lives in the news media is a sickness or a rut, but not worship.

People who get emotional about celebs and their lives need to get a grip on reality. They need to turn off the television, put down the "rags" (National Enquirer), entertainment magazines (People) and find a hobby that is more fulfilling. How about spending a portion of that time volunteering for a shelter, school, hospital, Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc??

Why do Americans worship celebrities?

this is a very disturbing thing about america

Why do Americans worship celebrities?

Not all of American worship celebrities. As a matter of fact darn few do. It's mostly 12 to 17 year old girls.

Why do Americans worship celebrities?

Without them, we would not know what to buy in the store or how to think.

Why do Americans worship celebrities?

We are idiots.

Why do Americans worship celebrities?

Cos there idiots!!!!!

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