Saturday, August 1, 2009

Moth man myth actually proofed?

I was watching an old unsolved mysteries taping, and in upper west virginia there was a mixed half-human, half moth creature that shocked many and has killed a small child in front of a adult at night. this thing only comes out at night and shocks the hell out of people alike. a year ago they found a hair sample, then they took DNA and found that it had human and animal genes. but what I really want to know if anyone heard about this at all. it seems very interesting.

Moth man myth actually proofed?

No, but would not surprise me in the least. There are allot of freaky things that go on in nature. Not to mention mans artificial influences to the process. So while I have not heard of this particular instance. I do believe it could be well with in the realm of possibility. As I also believe the Movie is not totally out of the realm of possibility either. People have seen, heard and done amazing things. I try to keep an open mind. Apply the facts needed to prove something. To also disprove something. Until both criteria are met. I try to keep a middle ground approach to most of these subjects. In this grand experiment, we call mother nature.

Peace!!! Love!!!

Moth man myth actually proofed?

Absoloutely.. The moth man has had sigtings and people have had encounters with it in the late '60s.. If you want to know more, I suggest checking out the move 'The Mothman Prophecies..' with Richard Gere in it..he's really good in it ,too. It's a great movie, and tells the true stories that has happened..

Moth man myth actually proofed?

HE IS REAL...............................aaaah...

Moth man myth actually proofed?

The original book, "Mothman Prophecies" is crazy, scared the cr#4 out of me

Edit: Movie is loosely based off the book, however the book is an investigation and research (not a story), you should check it out.

Moth man myth actually proofed?

The word is 'proved' not 'proofed'.

It's an interesting story, a good film, there are evidence and witness testimonies, but no, it's not proved.

Moth man myth actually proofed?

that movie was made in kittanning pennsylvania i was down there when they made it .. i live in kittanning since i was a baby lolz and i think its real

Moth man myth actually proofed?

i found this web site and i read it and found it funny how they mentioned that because of the bridge falling people believed mothman had something to do with it and that now it brings LOADS OF MONEY! mmm any thing to make money.

Moth man myth actually proofed?

Moth man myth actually proofed?

yes there is point pleasant west virginia! There is a museum there of mothman! I never heard the killing of a child! There is a book by John Keen. It is based on the movie but the book is more interesting! It took place in 1967.

Moth man myth actually proofed?

I've heard about it and watched all the shows on it...

but I haven't heard about the hair sample...that's fascinating!!

Moth man myth actually proofed?

he is also a rappeist and a crackhead

Moth man myth actually proofed?

At least you asked this in the right section MYTHOLOGY and FOLKLORE because that is what this is.

Moth man myth actually proofed?

Oh Hogwash!.....anyone who believes that is a complete moron!

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