Saturday, August 1, 2009

Is this what you call "evidence"?

Do you understand now why people all over the world hate your religion?

I have nothing against any of you until you start trying to lie to us. You're not the murderers; they are.

But you are the ones I'm putting in the spotlight because you don't think it's worth your while to speak out against such hatred and contempt of human life. Do you really want us to respect your religion? Do you really want to try to convince us to "try Islam!" as you post so often?

This is what you're up against. There's a world tide of hatred building against you, and the sooner you speak out against it, the sooner we Americans and other Anglo nations can stop fighting them in the streets.

You hold some of the cards yourselves. Get off of your duffasses and tell your own people that you don't have the right to harm a single hair on the head of any of God's children. No human being should have to face this fear or evil.

Is this what you call "evidence"?

I am sorry but I don't undersyand exactly whom you are addressing. I assume Muslims . . . but a "tide of hatred" building up againt them is hardly their fault . . . it would be impossible for them to stop any fanatics who do things in their name any more than you could have stopped Jim Jones for making Christians look like wackos.

Is this what you call "evidence"?


Is this what you call "evidence"?

Ok mahal cool down now.

Is this what you call "evidence"?

i totally agree with you and i also think that religion is a major cause for most of the worlds wars.

Is this what you call "evidence"?

You watch too much television, TV is the tool Satan is using the most in these days.

I am a Bible worker, and Muslims in my country are more welcoming then Christians (overall). Islam doesn't teach killing of Christians, just because their countries do it to Muslim converts doesn't mean Muslims as a whole hold this view.

Anyway thats just my opinion

Is this what you call "evidence"?

who are you talking to ?

Is this what you call "evidence"?

Bravo, well spoken my friend. Any religion that preaches love but try to make you believe through fear or threat of violence is wrong. ISLAM does just this. I have heard them threaten the other religions of the world. I have heard them tell the world that they will not be happy until they take over and destroy all freedom of choice in the world. God is about us making our own choices,Good or Bad, not about someone or some nation forcing it upon us through use of fear and threatening propaganda. Once again Bravo to you, you are seeing the truth and that is what will set you free.

Is this what you call "evidence"?

unfortunately, there are very few muslims speaking out against other muslims on the continued terrorism throughout the world.

Many are probably intimidated by their own fellow muslims. The sick and contorted interpretation of the Quran says bloodshed in the name of Allah is ok and more and more people are buying into that insanity - even some misguided leftist americans.

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