Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

I can't believe how many people ask about getting rid of bees! Don't you all realize that bees are essential to our very survival? Bees.. honeybees polinate the vast majority of our food crops. Without them, eventually there will be no plant reproduction.. without plant reproduction, we'll have no other choice than to eat whatever's left.. each other. If you get rid of bees, develop a taste for Soylent Green, because that is the food of a future without bees.

If you don't want bees in your garden, don't plant flowers. The flowers are for the bees anyway.. you just get to look at them- for the bees, it's food.

my question is.. If you hate bees.. what are you doing in the garden? why do you wear perfume and hair products that smell like flowers? do you enjoy the concept of eating human flesh?

We.. the human race will follow bees into extinction.. think about it.. comment, if you wish.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

i agree-- i read that many bees are going away because of cellular phone waves... there are entire forests that depend on certain bees for their existence. there are trees in brazil that rely on bees and over 2 million plant %26amp; animal species that depend on that exact tree for survival. no bees there= no trees which just goes down the line of destruction for too many. i agree that the bees are necessary and even nice to watch in the garden. pollinating and going from each flower. those who don't like bees in the fruit- there are special nets you can buy that go around fruits to protect them from insects. everyone else, the bees don't do anything to you. they are just there, near their food source. no different than bird feeders- food that attracts certain animals. just natural. and it's an interesting thing to watch.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

I wish my lawn could be blacktop. I wish there were no flowers in 100 yds in all directions from my house because i loathe bees so much. I hate the sight of them just flying around lookin at you as if saying "oh yeah I see you, i'm just waiting for the right time to sting your ***." Report It

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

I dont hate them, but i wish they wouldnt take up residence inside my apples!...after a bird pokes a hole in an apple, the bees burrow up in there and turn it into a condo

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

I try to stay away from bees because I don't like the sting. They just show up uninvited.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

I don't. I don't bother them and they have never bothered me. We understand eachother those bees and I.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

What I hate even more than bees is poor grammar!

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

B/C it hurts like a beotch when they sting you ...and some people are allergic and can die if they get stung...it's a bug who cares...

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

yea thats true but many people are allergic thus they are scared and want the problem to dissapear. there are also other ways to pollinate flowers. wind flys so on... but your right... i think too that bees are beeing trained to help us in like a millitary field or something like that i can't remember

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

i guess when people think of bee's they think of being stung and lets face is no onle likes pain if there not gainig any thing from that pain menain like tatoos are pain but after the pain we have beatifull art etc... so its the thought of being stung is what frightens most

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

I fear you may be getting a little hysterical over this to be perfectly honest.

People don't like bees because they may have been stung as children (or adults), and the threat of sting is just too great (especially since some can have major anaphalactic shocks from being stung by bees or wasps). Its the same as if you saw any stinging insect, or anything that could potentially hurt you in some way.

I do agree that without bees there would be no pollination of crops in a natural way, but that wont stop people being afraid of them, or wanting them to be somewhere else.

Oh and btw, you can happily fertilise crops without bees

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

I don't hate bees. I hate being stung by a bee, and being swollen and in pain for the rest of the week. Other than that I have nothing against them.

Nobody that I know would want them nesting inside their house.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

Iam allergic to bees and I might possibily die however I learn bees dont bother you unless you bother them I leave them alone and the never sting me with a possible fatal blow.

I agree bees are essential nutrients like honey for a sour throat or honey for a face mask or honey for your imagination it important to preserve the honey bee's

God Bless Honey Bees!

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

I love em.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

A big part of the problem is that the majority of the population will identity the shiny, yellow-and-black striped Yellow Jacket, as a "bee", instead of the agressive wasp that it is. (I've even shown pictures to people, trying to explain the difference, and they will swear, in the face of direct evidence, that Yellow Jackets are "bees")

They are afraid of those, and may have been stung by them, call them "bees", therefore they're afraid of "bees".

The majority of wasps, even, are beneficial, and want nothing to do with people. They paracitize the "bad" bugs in our garden, and generally are helpful.

But the few agressive, bad-tempered wasps spoil it for all the rest of them, as the uneducated cannot differeniate them.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

I don't think it's hatred so much as it is fear of being stung. People fear spiders (perhaps even more than bees), but they keep the bug population down.

PS - Did you know that there's a mysterious honey bee disappearance going on right now?

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

A bee killed my mother.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

I don't have a problem with bees. They help flowers and make honey. I just avoid them because I don't want to get stung. (the docs think I could have an allergic reaction to them since both my mom and grandma have this problem)

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

Coz they sting! Wasps are a helluva lot worse than poor bees. Wasps (I don't think) do anything useful and they can keep on stinging and stinging. Bees can only sting one time then it falls off.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

I love bees, I hate wasps (because I'm allergic to wasp stings).

Every program I see on TV shows how important and intelegent bees are.

You are right on what you say though.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

Bees will be Bees. I luv em.

I think manKIND(?) has divorced itself from the rest of Mother Nature, not realizing that we are just ONE SMALL part of this world and this universe.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

you are quite right without Bees we will cease to exist.

we should do everything to encourage Bees,

the are necessary for us to survive

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

I don't mind bees because I know how important they are but some people are very allergic to bees and they can die from being stung. People are just scared of them and don't understand that they have an important role in our world.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

Ever been stung by a bee?! I want to know if your love for bees will change one a bee stings you.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

Bees are necessary to balance many, many ecosystems. Many people don't like them because of the possibility of getting stung, especially if they have allergies.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

I think the only problem people have with bees is they sting you and it hurts.Most people dont realize how important bees are to our eco system.

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

Hey "I love bee's"!

What's all the "buzz" about, one of my best friends is a bee !

I have never met a bee that I didn't like.

"Except" if I get stung, then I'm not crazy about "that" particular bee. :) It's my fault if I get stung as I was probably trying to steal their honey they worked for, I am a common thief and deserve no less.

Bee's are intelligent too, every ones heard of a "spelling bee"

"Schools and our nation honor them" !

Besides their kind of cute !

Let's talk about "ants", did you know we wouldn't have soil that could sustain growth without our little friends the ants that cultivate and aerate our soil ?

And we just step on them and call them pests when in reality they save our lives !

Hooray for Bee's and Ant's !

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

i do hate them i do not plant flowers or wear perfume or hair products that smell like flowers i dont even wear yellow as i was told bees are attracted to that but i still get stung every single time im outside almost and i do nothing to them i dont wave my hand to swat them or nothing when they come around me i stand still but THEY STILL STING so what do you want me to say !

Why does everyone hate bees so much???

European honeybees in Australia are a major pest for hollow dependent fauna. Swarming bees will displace parrots, possums, owls, bats and many other types of native Australian fauna. For this they are not welcome. Bumblebees are also not native to Australia however have been introduced to Tasmania, either by horticulturists or after having been blown across the Tasman Sea from New Zealand (where they are also introduced). If Bumblebees come across to mainland Australia, many of the "sleeper" weeds that need the particular foraging actions of Bumblebees to reproduce effectively, will explode into another ecological problem. The stinging of bees is a pain (ha ha) but it goes away - this is good. The stinging and other effects of bees making the native Australian fauna go away is not quite so good.

Australia has native bees which for the most part are stingless and they are delightful little beasts, some of which also make harvestable amounts of honey.

All bees are useful for the pollination of plants, however the introduced species, whatever the country are a potential problem to the ecological balance of the native flora and fauna.

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