Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Should I feel like a hypocrite or guilty about giving up my cat?

I love her, but I only took her on as a foster kind of thing 3 years ago. I'm really against animal cruelty, but I'm mildly allergic to cat hair and she sheds a lot more than any other cat I've had. I used to give her sooo much attention before I got my dog, and now she seems desperate for the love that I'm not giving her. we go away for most weekends and bring the dog with us. She cries for hours after we get home. (she always has enough food and water, but she needs more human contact!)

She's such a sweet soul. My husband complains about the hair everyday! he wakes up with it in his mouth. It's mean, but I just feel annoyed with her, so is it wrong to give her away, or would it be better to give her a life that she deserves? I feel like people would look at me like a bad person. And what if I give her away to someone that ends up meaner to her?

Should I feel like a hypocrite or guilty about giving up my cat?

Have you tried all you can to help the cat?

If so, don't feel guilty. If not, feel guilty.

Are you doing this primarily for you or the cat?

For you, feel guilty. For the cat, don't feel guilty.

Try changing your cats diet. It is possible she is not getting all the necessary nutrients from her diet and she is therefore shedding. Any pet will be upset after leaving them alone so hire a petsitter. It can be a neighbor to feed, scoop the box, and spend a few minutes playing with the cat. Unless, the house is in a complete mess after you come from your trip she is probably doing fine being alone for the weekend. Her continious meowing is sort of a way of "catching up". Her environment has changed and changed again and meowing is her way of adjusting. After you come home just give her a little extra attention and some treats.

Remember that a cat is not some defective toy you can put back on the shelf. Considering you had her for three years and there are so many homeless animals out there you should try to see if there is anything more you can do to help her. We get annoyed with our pets and family members sometimes. Remember that there are ups and downs to being a pet owner. Part of being a pet owner is trying to work with the downs.

Should I feel like a hypocrite or guilty about giving up my cat?

Please don't feel like a hypocrite, you tried the best you can. You gave her a loving home for this long. I think the best thing you can do is give her to a loving home. You don't want her to be lonely over the weekends and you don't want your health to suffer if you are allergic.

Don't worry what people think, they aren't in your house everyday to see what is really going on and I'm sure if you explain you have an allergy to cat hair they will understand.

Maybee you can give her to a friend or family member so you can still visit her...you might not feel as guilty that way.

Should I feel like a hypocrite or guilty about giving up my cat?

Give her away. You are not suited to own a cat obviously.

I don't buy the "took her on as a foster kind of thing 3 years ago" btw. My friend did the same thing. What it was in actuality was that she got a dog and thought it was "new and more fun" and pushed the cat out the door.

I must say to you though, kudos to you for admitting your cat isn't happy and the situation is less than stellar.

Should I feel like a hypocrite or guilty about giving up my cat?

well if you are unhappy, the boyfriend is unhappy, and the cat is unhappy, then you should give her away. if you were fostering here then return her to the shelter or rescue group you were fostering through. you could try and find a no kill shelter but there is usually a pretty long waiting list to get an animal in them. ask a friend or other relative to take her, or just run a risk and put an ad in the newspaper.

Should I feel like a hypocrite or guilty about giving up my cat?

I don't want to sound mean, but yes, I think I'd feel guilty about giving her away. A pet is a lifelong (as long as the pet lives) commitment...you can't just give her away because you're irritated at her shedding her fur. Poor thing is probably stressed out because you don't really pay much attention to her and that will cause shedding. If you're allergic to cat hair, try Claritin or there are many other things you could try.

Should I feel like a hypocrite or guilty about giving up my cat?

You are not a hypocrit, but what I would say is if you could wait long enough to give her to a good home with people that will keep her rather than just taking her to a shelter where she might not survive. That would be the best thing you could do.

And I'm concerned on why hair is such a problem for you. Are you not combing the cat enough? That may be all she needs is a hair brush, but if you are not willing to really want to spend time with the cat, then there's only so much you can do. Just try to do right by her.

Should I feel like a hypocrite or guilty about giving up my cat?

It would be the best thing for the cat to find a loving home for the cat. Take her to a no kill shelter.

You don't really love her, otherwise you wouldn't leave her alone most weekends. You openly admit you don't giver her the attention she needs since you got the dog.

If you took her on "as a foster thing" she should have passed on to a forever home by now.

You say you are against animal cruelty yet by your actions you are deserting her most weekends and you know she needs more human contact. You are making the conscious decision to abandon her and not see to her welfare. Care is not just food and water. It includes psychological welfare as well.

Let her spend the next 10 years (at least) with someone who will appreciate her and find a home for her or take her to a shelter.

Should I feel like a hypocrite or guilty about giving up my cat?

After you give her up to an owner who you feel good about, pop by for a visit every so often to your heart's content until you feel like she's in a good place.

A family with kids is always good for attention.

Don't feel bad, you're doing what's best for the cat's happiness. It's little different than, say, a druggie giving away her baby to an infertile couple desperate for a child.

Should I feel like a hypocrite or guilty about giving up my cat?

This is not about you or how you look to anyone else. Do what's right for your kitty and find her a good home

Should I feel like a hypocrite or guilty about giving up my cat?

the shedding problem could be because of the diet you are feeding your cat. if the food is quality food, the cat will shed less

how often do you brush her, brush her a few times a week

you can consult the vet maybe there is a medical condition that she has that makes her shed a lot.

it is entirely up to you if you want to keep her or give her away. she sounds like she could use a home that will give her the attention she needs.

Should I feel like a hypocrite or guilty about giving up my cat?

Brush her daily to control the shedding... Keep her out of your bedroom. I'm mildly allergic to my cats and when my allergies flair up bad I keep them out of my room.

Other then that, the only thing I'm going to add, is that it is very very difficult to find a home for a cat. I have foster kittens that I've had a couple months now that I've had NO decent inquiries on. Just people who wanted to keep them in a garage and feed them dog food. One of them is even marked like a little seal point siamese. They're fixed and everything. All I'm asking is $40 which is the equivalent of a vet visit around here.

Hopefully, if you do try to rehome her, you will ask for vet references. At least commit to finding her a decent new home. It will probably take around 9 months to a year to rehome her unless you get really lucky.

Don't offer her for less then the local vets charge for a vet appointment. If someone won't pay that, they won't take care of her either.

Though, just food for thought, most pet owners go through stages at some point where they feel less love for their pet. People go through that with every kind of relationship. One day, you'll question whether or not you love your husband. It happens to everybody. That's the point where you need to reconnect and evaluate. Spend some time with her and think about it. Chances are you're only away about every weekend cause it's summertime and there's places to camp and such. Probably, you aren't like that 8 months out of the year.

There was a time I had to work 2 jobs. My dogs and cats didn't like it, but I knew it would be temporary and everyone pulled through just fine.

Should I feel like a hypocrite or guilty about giving up my cat?

No, don't feel bad about it. You would be doing the right thing by finding her a home that would be more suitable for her. People DO have lifestyle changes, whether it's good or bad, and at this time you simply just cannot meet all her needs the way that she needs them to be met. You would be better off letting her be raised by someone else that can give her what she needs. Don't feel bad about it. And it doesn't mean that she won't continue having a place in your heart....

Should I feel like a hypocrite or guilty about giving up my cat?

not many are able to admid that they have made a mistake, so its ag ood thing you did. I'm not gonna preach about the whole "you should have thought about it before" thing as in my opinion situations change. you realised that your cat is not happy anymore and you are making the right decision in giving her away and therefore a chance to get the affection it needs. but please don't do the same with further pets. one mistake is allowed and you should learn from it.

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