Saturday, August 1, 2009

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

I know any documentaries I've seen or even movies(fiction or non) dealing with D.Pen., I feel so sorry for the person when their time nears and they get to choose a last meal, their underwear are replaced with a diaper, hair shaven off of body... I think it is only human to feel sad for them but we still impliment this. Is it a wonder why we dont have public executions(rhetorical)? Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

Nay for Death Penalty. I think they should suffer in jail for the rest of their lives. Plus I don't think anyone should get the death penalty even though that person killed someone else.

Just because they are the authorities..what gives them the right to take another person's life? That doesn't make them any better than the murderer.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

Cost is an issue for some people who might oppose the death penalty but think (incorrectly) that it is cheaper. Believe it or not, this does matter to some people. And people like you should know this fact when you try to convince others to oppose the death penalty.

Susan S Report It

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

Yay death penalty

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

Hell YAY

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

Nay, two wrongs dont make a right!

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

Death Penalty = Hell No

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

i would say yes, only if there is no doubt whatsoever that someone did something like murder or molestation of a child. something really horrible. but only if there is no question that they commited the crime.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

Im kind of confused about the death penalty. :/ I dont know if its right or not.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?


Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

yay all the way 閳?br>Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

100% YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

nay. how can ever kill a soul, when you are unable to create one. Leave the death to the almighty God.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

If I did feel any sadness for them in their last moment (which I DON'T) it would be quickly erased by the knowledge of the crime that got them there in the first place.

YAY for the death penalty

put in an express lane!!

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

yay, but death by hanging or guillotine. not something painless, because then they aren't really suffering for what they did. It's a wasted punishment if it doesn't hurt.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

Nay. . .but I'm a little biased considering I'm a criminal defense attorney. I think it has no place in a civilized society, and it's more costly to put people to death (with the lengthy appeals process) than it is to incarcerate them for life (few conservatives realize this fact). Besides, you can hardly ever know, with absolute certainty, the guilt of the person.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

I don't feel sorry for them, I feel sorry for the family of the victim. Think of how much agony they are in and will be for the rest of their lives. The person thats executed gets the easy way out.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

I am against it

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

I think they deserve to die. Your gonna go and take away the life of another human being then you deserve to have your taken away as well. It is done in a very humane way also. It isn't as though we are torturing the criminals, we are actually killing them as quickly as possible. I don't feel bad for these criminals, they commited the crimes, plus they live on deathrow for years and years before they are actually executed

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

i don't really care one way or the other. most of life is sad to watch anyway rather it be someone dieing or living. life sux. death is better.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

I say yay and we should use it more often and make it public instead of just a select few put it on pay per view someone would make a killing(hehehe)

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?


That law is not a revenge tool.

You can't justify killing any one.

That like saying don't still and yet you are stilling.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

yay! Did that person ever think how the victim felt when he was overpowering him/her?

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

Death penalties are never used for light punishment. I always feel bad too, even when Sadam Hussein was executed, despite that fact that I hate him so much, as almost everyone does, I'm sure. But the point is, the people who get the death penalty is only because they've done something REALLY bad, and I just remind myself of that fact when I hear about these things or watch them. In fiction movies, however, usually they make it all dramatic by making the good guy get the death penalty because of some mistake they made. In that situation, it's logical to feel sorry for the person.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?


If there is no doubt then they need to pay for their crime. We have to pay to keep them housed, I don't want to do that till they die.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

I'm against the death penalty. I don't think that anyone has the right to end another person's life. The Death Penalty is about revenge, not justice.

Besides I think it's a worse punishment to have to live in prison for life.

Watch The life of David Gale...awesome movie!

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

don't let what you see in the movies dictate what you believe i worked on death row for many years Ive witnessed executions. i am for the death penalty and think it should be televised into juvenile correction facilities.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

I am pro capital punishment...I take no pleasure in the death of someone else, and as a human I feel sad that their life has come to this....but how much sympathy did they show their much mercy? At least they will die painlessly and gently with the needle. I also understand that no system is perfect and rarely someone is executed who did not commit this particular crime....but I also believe that the death penalty is more merciful than a life in prison being beaten and raped by other inmates.

Edit: For those crying about DNA evidence clearing some of the death row inmates....lack of DNA as well as no DNA match does not mean means's there may have been more than one person involved....also I have never seen ANYONE executed who did not have an extensive criminal background. so much for innocent!

And for those who think it's hypocrital to be for the death penalty and against me proof that ANY fetus has ever knowingly or otherwise commited ANY crime anwhere at anytime......NEXT!

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

I am in prison ministry andthough I believe there is a biblical argument for the death penalty I am opposed.

1. Our system is flawed.

2. The process takes so long it is inhumanely stressful, not only for the offender but also for the victims. The victims believe they will have closure when the sentence is carried out. They never do but they don't know that until after. This takes about twenty years to carry out the sentence.

3. It costs more to sentence someone to death than to incarcerate them for their natural life. When someone is sentenced to death, they become the ward of the state and have an automatice appeal which the state pays for. It costs the state money even if the offender hires their own lawyer. It is cheaper to give them life without parole.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

I personally believe all executions should be public and I don't give a crap about cruel and unusual punishment crap those bleeding hearts are always whining about. I do believe the death penalty needs to be carefully implemented and make sure there are no hidden agendas but the truth is an eye for an eye, a life for a life. Why should we have to pay 40 or 50K a year to keep these individuals in prison when for 49 cents we can put a bullet in their hears, spend 4.90 and put 10 in there.

Let's cut through all the legal mumbo jumbo crap, if you are caught red handed, forget the trail, take them straight to the tree. Or to quote the movies. You're going to get a fair trail followed by a fair hanging. Forget all those appeals. You murder someone, rape a child you have forfeited your rights and are of no use to society except to give the bleeding hearts something else to whine about.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

The answer to this question can come from a person's deep convictions or beliefs. I personally don't think two wrongs make a right.

If the murderer is killed then the family of the victim continues to live life feeling the void of the person killed, whereas the person who committed the crime is dead and gone and is not suffering anymore while the family is.

Where is the justice in that? By killing off the murderer then the people who do the killing are no better off than the murderer; because they are doing the same thing the murderer taking another person's life.

I believe capital punishment was instituted mainly for the families of the victim to appease whatever grief they may be feeling; but it does not bring the dead person back.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

I support the death penalty when it comes to serial murderers or people who inflict unusually sadistic and vicious pain and death on their victims.

Death Penalty: Yay or Nay?

i like to sing in the shower

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